I love fotolandia! sconti per prenotazioni via internet
[piko!] said: _questa è l'immagine che probabilmente non stai vedendo. l'accessibilità in questo caso raggiunge livelli stratosferici.
\\ _su questo spazio è vietato scrivere maiuscolo:.
questa è l'ennesima rumorosa pagina automaticamente generata da un calcolatore silente di nome [piko!], chiuso in un armadio e per questo poco incline alla sopportazione di utenti che puntualmente molesta con interventi poco educati. unico vezzo imposto è lo scriver tutto minuscolo.

screzii e scherzi provenienti dalle urticanti risorse del calcolatore dittatoriale [piko!], motore dell'intero sito.

di piko! (del 26/01/2007 @ 12:29:45, in io contro tutti, linkato 2956 volte):.

una descrizione dei fatti.

i servizi di crittografia offerti dal server di autistici/inventati, collocato presso la webfarm di aruba, sono stati compromessi in data 15.06.04. ne veniamo a conoscenza il giorno 21.06.05. un anno dopo.
la polizia postale, nell'ambito di un' indagine su una singola casella di posta, ha potenzialmente potuto spiare per un anno le comunicazioni personali di tutti gli utenti del server autistici.org / inventati.org.
nonostante questo invitiamo quindi tutti, ancora una volta, a utilizzare in prima persona, senza affidarsi ciecamente ad altri, strumenti di crittografia forte (gpg per esempio) tanto per la posta quanto per la salvaguardia dei dati sui propri dischi.

a brief description

the cryptographic services offered by the autistici/inventati server, housed in the aruba web farm, have been compromised on 15th june 2004. we discovered the fact on 21st june 2005. one year later.
during an enquiry on a single mailbox, the postal police may have tapped for a whole year every user's private communication going through the server autistici.org/inventati.org.
despite this, we once again invite everyone to personally use, both for e-mail and for safeguarding your hard disk data, hard encryption systems (as may be gpg), without relying blindly on other people.

una descripción de los hechos

los servicios de criptografía ofrecidos por el servidor autistici / inventati a través de la webfarm de aruba, han sido comprometidos con fecha 15.06.04. lo venimos a saber el día 21.06.05. un año después
la polizia postale, en el ámbito de una investigación sobre una sola cuenta de correo, potencialmente ha podido espiar durante un año las comunicaciones personales de todos los usuarios del servidor autistici.org /inventati.org y para ser realistas, es probable que sea lo que todavía están haciendo.
a pesar de esto invitamos por tanto a todos, todavía una vez más, a utilizar personalmente, sin fiarse ciegamente de otros, instrumentos de criptografía fuerte (gpg por ejemplo) tanto para el correo como para la salvaguarda de los datos sobre los propios discos.

conoscevo già questa causa, ma oggi mi sono imbattuto in alcuni dettagli che mi hanno abbastanza turbato. cercherò di supportarla nella maniera che posso. mi piacerebbe entrare in contatto con gli ideatori di questi due siti.

la privacy è una grandissima invenzione, che proprio non fa parte della natura dell'uomo. la privacy serve a chi ha qualcosa da nascondere, tipo grossi movimenti di denaro in banche off-shore e telefonate scomode su manette e mazzette in politica. la privacy non esiste per la gente comune che scambia messaggi di ogni genere quotidianamente. la privacy esiste per chi può permettersela, pagando profumatamente. tutti gli animali sono uguali, ma i maiali sono sempre un pò più uguali degli altri, no?

the autistici.org/inventati.org server is an independent server run by an association, to be precise a non-profit association, born from the fusion of several projects spread all over italy. the server is run on a voluntary basis and none of those who follow it earns money from their efforts.

since march 2001, the association's aim has been to give everybody (with a few clear limitations (see our manifesto) access to electronic non-commercial communication services, ensuring greater confidentiality and freedom of speech than similar commercial providers do. besides this technical function, the association develops campaigns on privacy, anonymity, conscious and critical use of information technology, access to knowledge, objection to control.

the server hosts 4,700 mailboxes, 600 mailing lists (used by 30,000 people totally, whose mailbox is not necessarily hosted in the autistici.org/inventati.org server), and over 500 websites, while providing chat and other services. our efforts for offering confidential and reliable communication has led many people to choose the server for their websites and e-mail: from political collectives to a whole range of activists, associations, lawyers, legal services, self-organized workers groups, student groups and collectives, international networks and much, much more.

their manifesto

who are we and what do we want
socialize knowledge, without creating power

to start with, we want everything.

our objective is to liberate spaces on the web where we can discuss and work on two levels: on the one hand, the right to and need for free communication privacy, anonimity and access to telematic resources; on the other, projects linked to social reality.

the realization of an independent server seems to us to be a good point of departure to reach our goals.

we believe that communication must be free - and free - and, therefore, universally accessible. we are working at it, by offering web space, email, mailing lists and chat to individuals and projects in line with those needs, outside the commercial logic of offering services and spaces for payment, welcoming all those who reject the globalizing cultural and mediatic censorship of imagination and the attempts to sell us predigested dreams.

the space and services on this server are not intended for commercial activities (directly or indirectly) or for use by organized religion or political parties; or, in short, by anyone who already has the means of disseminating their ideas, or who use the concept of delegation (explicitly or implicitly) to manage their relationships and projects.

the right to and need for privacy and anonimity must be respected. we guarantee that we keep no weblogs, that we do not ask for personal information in exchange for services, and that we will do everything to maintain our anonymous remailer, anonymizer and everything else that ensures the privacy and confidentiality of your comunications.

knowledge and resources grow through sharing. that is why we encourage the systematic, organized and completely free diffusion of cultural material, self-productions and documentation, and why we fight against traditional copyright and support the adoption free and open-source software.

inventati seeks to reproduce digitally issues that are part of reality: through websites, or by creating forums for discussion which are not limited by physical space (e.g. through creation of mailing lists).

autistici, instead, has a technical basis and arises from a passion for understanding the tools used for exposing the politics implicit in telematics; these tools are created in the digital world, but that doesn't mean they don't have a political impact. we start with the tools, but use them to very precise political ends, in both the digital world and the real world. the rights listed above are one example of the political issues that interest the internet.

we believe that means of communication should not be the exclusive domain of information professionals. we believe in the value of self-management: this is why we have no sponsors or funding of any other type, apart from voluntary subscriptions by those who believe that this project is important. none of us earns a cent from this project (in fact, the opposite...).

the technical and political aspects of the use of our server are decided together, with the maximum trasparency possible, through mailing list dicussions. we have no coordinator, and no spokesperson, and decisions are not reached by voting.

to use the services of this server, take the links on our homepage, which integrates (as of summer 2004) the technical side (autistici) with our social activities (inventati): -> www.inventati.org -> www.autistici.org

for further information, activation of services, questions: contact us! or to communicate with us via irc chat: -> irc.autistici.org

autism with invention generates sharing
autistici / inventati 2002


if this was an useful article, please help hirudo:holter getting out of trouble. [piko!] asks you only two or three more clicks: choose some of the ads in the right sidebar and visit them. [piko!] will be grateful.

se questo articolo ti è stato utile, sostieni hirudo:holter. [piko!] ti chiede solo due o tre click: visita un paio delle pubblicità che trovi nella barra laterale. [piko!] ringrazia.
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vi parla [piko!], gestore tronico. lei non può commentare, così ho deciso in maniera insindacabile.

[piko!] ti ringrazia per esser arrivato fin quaggiù, la strada era lunga.
se non sai cosa fare, puoi visitare l'archivio o la galleria fotografica relativa ad hirudo:holter.
oppure tornartene alla pagina iniziale del sito per vedere cosa bolle in pentola.

your attention makes [piko!] happy: there was a long way from the top of the page!
if you don't know what to do, try our archives or the photogallery from hirudo:holter.
or you can click back to the global home page to see what's going on now on amolenuvolette.it.

steal all of this, steal my code, steal my graphics. use it to feel better.
this is copyrighted so you can really steal it.

eventually you will find some crap-pieces of code like "don't right-click" in my escaped! maze.
this was only because if you read source code there's no play in gettin out of the maze, cheating about the right place to click.

so, uh: i'm a media pirate. i am a native in the media landscape.

< maggio 2024 >

ti senti idiota?
[piko!] può cercare al
posto tuo un idioma


_muy felìz :. (199)
ascolto :. (22)
io contro tutti (29)
kirlian aura (4)

gli interventi più cliccati

most useful thingies - cosine a cui dare un'occhiata nella rete
marco infussi here, ready to serve you.

this is my personal notepad: i paste here all the stuff i am thinking about and working on, plus some weirdo and doodles.

if you are looking for serious work and official stuff, this is the wrong place.

amolenuvolette.it is such a disordered waste-bin, with something like 25+gbytes of stuff to browse.

here is a map to understand where you are...

trust me: it will be useful!

silly advertising - un pizzico di pubblicità per far campare questo sito
La pubblicità ha rotto le scatole, quindi non è più consentita.

an abused colophon - release notes - note di rilascio e sulla pubblicazione dei contenuti
hirudo:holter is technically based on some concepts:

a) a purposedly verbose interface

b) little isometric designs and typographical cameos

c) a fictitious character, website's engine [piko!], insulting the reader

but, what does hirudo mean? how about holter?! and what's the hidden message?

more about hirudo:holter...

InValid XHTML 1.0 / CSS
[piko!] scan rileva 357 utenti on line, tra i quali  489 + 1 cercano inutilmente di nascondersi nelle ultime file. forza, venite al primo banco per l'esame.
03/05/2024 @ 16:11:17
che velocità... [piko!] engine ha prontamente eseguito questo script in soli 47 ms


this section contains all the things that made my life what it is.

songs, books, films, artworks, fonts i love, written as lists.


my delicious inutilities - link log ovvero quel che sto leggendo attualmente

questa funzione è talmente obsoleta che non ho più voglia di aggiustarla.
questa versione di hirudo:holter è in effetti chiusa al 31 dicembre 2011.

last but not least - citazioni ed aforismi
L’uomo è dove è il suo cuore, non dove è il suo corpo.


My Amazon.com Wish List

resume of best works and curriculum vitae - what an amazing life!
complete online reference - apparatus criticus und catalogue raissonè
image gallery of 17k's works - chaotic colourful and full of remembrences
mail me, but pay attention: i'm a dark mailer. no spam pleaze.
list of 17k's really simple syndacation feeds