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[piko!] said: _questa è l'immagine che probabilmente non stai vedendo. l'accessibilità in questo caso raggiunge livelli stratosferici.
\\ _su questo spazio è vietato scrivere maiuscolo:.
questa è l'ennesima rumorosa pagina automaticamente generata da un calcolatore silente di nome [piko!], chiuso in un armadio e per questo poco incline alla sopportazione di utenti che puntualmente molesta con interventi poco educati. unico vezzo imposto è lo scriver tutto minuscolo.

screzii e scherzi provenienti dalle urticanti risorse del calcolatore dittatoriale [piko!], motore dell'intero sito.

di piko! (del 10/04/2009 @ 17:46:54, in _muy felìz :., linkato 5379 volte):.

1) A slaveowner decides to place an advertisement for the return of a lost slave.

2) Apple decides to develop the first salable PC.

3) Henry Ford decides to start his own company.

4) Sears, Roebuck decides to go into retail sales.

5) Julius Reuter decides to use carrier pigeons to deliver information.

6) Swiss watch manufacturers decide to collaborate.

7) Bill Gates decides to license MS-DOS to IBM.

8) Reuben Mattus decides to market ice cream to supermarkets.

9) Thomas Watson decides to change his company's name to IBM.

10) Walt Disney decides to name his cartoon character Mickey.

11) Marvin Bower decides to keep the McKinsey name for his company.

12) Richard Sears decides to sell products through a catalog.

13) Coca-Cola decides to hold a competition for the design of its new bottle.

14) Konosuke Matsushita decides to institute product demonstrations.

15) Mattel decides to add the Ken doll to its line of Barbie toys.

16) Alfred P. Sloan of GM decides to segment the market for car models.

17) The Grateful Dead decide to allow fans to tape their concerts.

18) Philip Morris decides to reposition Marlboro as a man's cigarette.

19) Henry Heinz decides his company needs a slogan.

20) William Hoover decides to distribute his sweepers through a retail network.

21) Harley-Davidson executives decide to establish the Harley Owners Group.

22) Coca-Cola decides to sell to members of the armed forces for a nickel a bottle.   

23) Henry Luce decides to rank companies as the Fortune 500.

24) Akito Morita decides to develop the Walkman.

25) Hartford doctors decide to install telephones in their offices.

26) Honda decides to market small motorbikes in the United States.

27) Aaron Feuerstein decides to keep Malden Mills open after a major fire in its factory.

28) Levi-Strauss decides to extend credit to wholesalers after an earthquake and fire, and later decides to keep employees working during the Great Depression.

29) Baron de Coubertin decides to convene a conference to establish the Olympic Games.

30) American Express decides to continue cashing traveler's checks during the Great Depression.

31) Warren Buffett decides to invest in Berkshire Hathaway.

32) Coca-Cola decides to return to its original recipe.

33) Johnson & Johnson decides to pull Tylenol from store shelves.

34) Percy Barnevick decides to merge Asea and Brown Boveri.

35) The Incas decide to build a network of roads and administrative centers.

36) The ITT board decides to appoint Harold Geneen its CEO.

37) Pierre Du Pont of GM decides to adopt Alfred P. Sloan's reorganization plan for GM.

38) St. Bernard decides to reorganize the Cistercian monasteries.

39) Michael Dell decides to sell PCs directly to consumers and built to order.

40) Procter & Gamble decides to introduce brand management.

41) Jeff Bezos decides to sell books over the Internet.

42) Henry Dunant decides to go see Napoleon III.

43) Paul Garrett of GM decides to invite Peter Drucker to study the company.

44) Elvis Presley decides to join the army.

45) John Larson decides to ask Tom Peters to make a presentation to a client.

46) Napoleon decides to promote people based on merit.

47) Jack Welch of GE decides to institute Work-Out.

48) Thomas Watson Jr. decides to commit IBM to developing a new line of computers.

49) Wal-Mart decides to move into the grocery business.

50) Edward L. Bernays decides to stage a march to promote smoking for women.

51) Harvard Business School decides to launch the Harvard Business Review and to establish the HBS Fund.

52) Lou Gerstner decides not to split IBM.

53) Rupert Murdoch decides to build a printing plant that doesn't require union labor.

54) Luciano Benetton decides to invest in an advanced clothing factory.

55) Toyota decides to implement W. Edwards Deming's quality techniques.

56) Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines decides to cut the extras.

57) Leaders of Miletus in Ancient Greece decide to specialize in one industry.

58) Belgian business leaders decide to apply the principles of action learning.

59) Cities in Northern Germany decide to form an association to promote their commercial interests.

60) Edwin Land decides to take a walk and comes up with the idea for the Polaroid camera.

61) Ray Kroc decides to buy the rights to McDonald's restaurants and franchise them.

62) The ancient Chinese decide to institute a system of currency.

63) William Wrigley decides to offer free packs of chewing gum with his cans of baking powder.

64) Kemmons Wilson decides to build his own motel.

65) Gillette decides to position itself at the high-quality, premium-price end of the market.

66) Arthur Fry of 3M decides what Post-Its can be used for.

67) Henry Ford decides to pay his workers $5 a day.

68) 3M decides to allow its researchers to spend 15 percent of their time working on their own projects.

69) Hewlett-Packard decides to hire some of the excess technical talent after World War II.

70) Emperor Hadrian decides to provide all miners in the Roman Empire with bath houses.

71) GE decides to establish a center for executive development.

72) Ricardo Semler of Semco decides to fire 60 percent of his company's top management.

73) Jan Carlzon of SAS decides to send 35,000 managers to customer service training courses.

74) Reg Jones of GE decides to implement a management succession process.

75) President McKinley decides to allow Elihu Root to restructure the U.S. armed services.

if this was an useful article, please help hirudo:holter getting out of trouble. [piko!] asks you only two or three more clicks: choose some of the ads in the right sidebar and visit them. [piko!] will be grateful.

se questo articolo ti è stato utile, sostieni hirudo:holter. [piko!] ti chiede solo due o tre click: visita un paio delle pubblicità che trovi nella barra laterale. [piko!] ringrazia.
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vi parla [piko!], gestore tronico. lei non può commentare, così ho deciso in maniera insindacabile.

[piko!] ti ringrazia per esser arrivato fin quaggiù, la strada era lunga.
se non sai cosa fare, puoi visitare l'archivio o la galleria fotografica relativa ad hirudo:holter.
oppure tornartene alla pagina iniziale del sito per vedere cosa bolle in pentola.

your attention makes [piko!] happy: there was a long way from the top of the page!
if you don't know what to do, try our archives or the photogallery from hirudo:holter.
or you can click back to the global home page to see what's going on now on amolenuvolette.it.

steal all of this, steal my code, steal my graphics. use it to feel better.
this is copyrighted so you can really steal it.

eventually you will find some crap-pieces of code like "don't right-click" in my escaped! maze.
this was only because if you read source code there's no play in gettin out of the maze, cheating about the right place to click.

so, uh: i'm a media pirate. i am a native in the media landscape.

< aprile 2024 >

ti senti idiota?
[piko!] può cercare al
posto tuo un idioma


_muy felìz :. (199)
ascolto :. (22)
io contro tutti (29)
kirlian aura (4)

gli interventi più cliccati

most useful thingies - cosine a cui dare un'occhiata nella rete
marco infussi here, ready to serve you.

this is my personal notepad: i paste here all the stuff i am thinking about and working on, plus some weirdo and doodles.

if you are looking for serious work and official stuff, this is the wrong place.

amolenuvolette.it is such a disordered waste-bin, with something like 25+gbytes of stuff to browse.

here is a map to understand where you are...

trust me: it will be useful!

silly advertising - un pizzico di pubblicità per far campare questo sito
La pubblicità ha rotto le scatole, quindi non è più consentita.

an abused colophon - release notes - note di rilascio e sulla pubblicazione dei contenuti
hirudo:holter is technically based on some concepts:

a) a purposedly verbose interface

b) little isometric designs and typographical cameos

c) a fictitious character, website's engine [piko!], insulting the reader

but, what does hirudo mean? how about holter?! and what's the hidden message?

more about hirudo:holter...

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[piko!] scan rileva 357 utenti on line, tra i quali  390 + 1 cercano inutilmente di nascondersi nelle ultime file. forza, venite al primo banco per l'esame.
19/04/2024 @ 03:06:46
che velocità... [piko!] engine ha prontamente eseguito questo script in soli 42 ms


this section contains all the things that made my life what it is.

songs, books, films, artworks, fonts i love, written as lists.


my delicious inutilities - link log ovvero quel che sto leggendo attualmente

questa funzione è talmente obsoleta che non ho più voglia di aggiustarla.
questa versione di hirudo:holter è in effetti chiusa al 31 dicembre 2011.

last but not least - citazioni ed aforismi
Di tanto in tanto vengono a tutti delle idee strane, ma una persona che sta sola non ha nessuno che gli dica di non fare il pazzo.


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complete online reference - apparatus criticus und catalogue raissonè
image gallery of 17k's works - chaotic colourful and full of remembrences
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